
Apr 27, 2024 We released the TGLite framework for programming temporal GNNs. Check out its code and the documentation.
Feb 24, 2024 SPADE is recognized with a IEEE Micro Top Picks Honorable Mention.
Jan 18, 2024 PI Mendis receives NSF CAREER Award.
Nov 20, 2023 Dias accepted at SIGMOD 2024! Congratulations to Stefanos Baziotis for leading this effort! Please checkout the code and play around with Dias.
Nov 07, 2023 3 papers conditionally accepted at ASPLOS 2024! Congrats to all authors!
Nov 01, 2023 Congratulations to Yufeng on winning the David J. Kuck Outstanding Master’s Thesis Award!
Sep 21, 2023 2 papers accepted at NeurIPS 2023 on training large scale graph neural networks and on a performance prediction dataset for TPUs.
Sep 01, 2023 For the first time, an industrial scale performance prediction dataset on an accelerator (TPUs) is open sourced in collaboration with Google. Please check out the dataset as well as the Kaggle competition.
Aug 01, 2023 New NSF PPoSS Large grant awarded on “General-Purpose Scalable Technologies for Fundamental Graph Problems”.
May 31, 2023 Congratulations Tianfan on graduating with a double major in CS and Math at UIUC! He will be joining the Harvard Computational Science and Engineering program.
May 31, 2023 Congratulations Yufeng on successfully finishing his Master’s at UIUC. Checkout his thesis on temporal graph neural networks.
Mar 09, 2023 Paper accepted at ISCA 2023 on a sparse accelerator design in collaboration with the i-acoma group.